DESOC Consultancy Logo

We contribute towards fostering

development, gender equality, human

security and sustainable peace in Uganda

Who we are

Who we are

DESOC Consultancy is a research firm with specialty in rule of law and development, conflict and transitional justice, gender equality, sexual violence, human trafficking. DESOC uses a hybrid approach towards conducting research by infusing both theoretical and practical methodologies to research, as well as, incorporating qualitative and quantitative research techniques in data collection.

What we do

Influence law and policy at national, regional and international levels through research.

Share best practice with governments, practitioners, civil society organizations, inter-governmental organizations and development partners on issues pertaining rule of law and development, gender equality, sexual violence, transitional justice and transnational crime in Uganda.

Assist Uganda in making progress towards the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly: Goal 1 (end poverty in all its forms); Goal 4 (promote lifelong learning opportunities for all); Goal 5 (achieve gender equality and empower women and girls); Goal 8 (promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all); Goal 10 (reduce inequalities within and among states); Goal 16 (promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels) and; Goal 17 (strengthen the means of implementation and renew the global partnership for sustainable development).

Our Focus Areas

Gender Equality

Uganda has made substantive progress towards gender equality and equity through the promulgation of the 1995 Constitution, adoption and implementation...

Sexual violence

Despite the adoption and enactment of several sexual offences related policies and laws, sexual violence and assault are still common occurrence in Uganda...

Human trafficking

Uganda’s current population is approximately 46, 946, 576, as of May 2021. The country’s growing population has majorly contributed to breeding fertile grounds

Conflict and transitional justice

Conflict and violence have consistently marred Uganda during pre and post-independence eras, limiting the country’s potential to achieve long-term political, economic and social stability.

Rule of Law and development

The key role that rule of law plays in development is palpable in its ability to enhance fair allocation of resources and services; prevent...

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Who we are


Ms. Caroline Obbo serves as the Director of DESOC Consultancy, in-charge of strategic, programmatic and administrative operations. Ms. Obbo is a Ugandan national and a lawyer by profession, having obtained a Master in Laws degree (Rule of Law and Governance) from the Ohio Northern University in the United States of America and a Bachelor in Laws degree from Makerere University in Uganda. She attained further training in law from the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg France.